China's secret moon space program.



NASA CEO Bill Nelson made a surprising claim about China: They are running a secret military program in space to capture the moon. According to Nelson, China is hiding this information.

Mr Nelson said China has always maintained that its activities in space are purely scientific. It's not offensive at all. But China has other intentions. We believe China has made extraordinary progress in space, but most of its plans remain secret.

The United States and China are both seeking to build permanent bases on the Moon. In March of this year, Chinese scientists announced the construction of a lunar base the size of Disneyland.

China's intention appears to be to capture part of the moon, Nelson said. But we're in the race. We are preparing to land on the moon by 2030. I want to go there soon. Artemis III is scheduled to be launched in September 2026. In fact, America has always cared about the moon. It sees China as its main competitor.

But Nelson argues that America is far ahead of China. He said China could claim part of the moon if it starts building its own base there. This is a concern for NASA as China builds its own space station in 2022. This made the number of satellites twice his.

China has invested billions of dollars in space missions over the past four years. The commander of the US Space Command warned of Chinese tracking satellites that could be used to monitor military operations. China is also developing giant reconnaissance balloons and hypersonic missiles.

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